Mazzè is located in Turin province, at the far east of the Canavese area, an historical region of Piemonte along the river Dora Baltea, south of the naturalmorainic amphitheatre, and owing to its geographical position it was the best route from the North-West to Milan and Lombardia. The local patrons, Milanese martyrs Gervasio and Protasio, who vere buried with St. Ambrogio in the Milan church of the same name, are proof of the tight friendship that linked the Counts of Valperga (rulers of Mazzè for eight centuries) with this town.
Mazzè has preserved much of its past from the iron age to today; you
just need to look around to imagine the history of a village keeping the
ford on the river
Count Eugenio Brunetta d'Usseaux is co-founders of the modem Olimpic
games, he lived in Mazzè and he has been the only Italian, secretary of
the International
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